Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

In California, a wide range of benefits may be available to people who suffer an injury at work. At Thomas Law Alliance, Inc., we are committed to making certain that injured workers receive the Workers' Compensation benefits, payments and medical treatment they deserve.

At our Huntington Beach office, we handle cases such as:

    • Specific injuries, falls, burn injuries, back pain and broken bones
    • Head injuries, concussions, eye injuries, facial scars and tooth injuries
    • Repetitive trauma injuries, such as carpal tunnel syndrome and chronic joint pain
    • Invisible injuries, such as heart disease, diabetes, toxic exposure and hypertension
    • Subsequent Injuries Fund, which provides for benefits after multiple injuries or disabilities


In addition, we handle legal issues involving:

  • Filing the claim for single or multiple injuries
  • Finding excellent quality medical facilities that will treat all body parts injured
  • Attending court hearings to obtain medical treatment
  • Attending court hearings to obtain disability payments
  • Appealing denied workers' comp benefits
  • Selecting favorable qualified medical examinations and preparation for the examination

Depending on the severity of the workplace injury, you may qualify for temporary disability payments, permanent partial disability, permanent total disability, payments and medical treatment. You may also qualify for lifetime payments and lifetime medical care.

Sometimes the pain from an accident may take days, weeks or months to become significant, which is why it is important to contact an attorney as soon as reasonably possible after a workplace injury has occurred.

Contacting Thomas Law Alliance, Inc., as quickly as possible after the injury, regardless of the severity of that injury, ensures that you promptly receive the benefits to which you are entitled. Contacting us promptly also limits the control that an insurance company has over you and your case.

If you are in Huntington Beach or the surrounding areas and have suffered a workplace injury, you need to consult with an attorney who can advise you of your Workers' Compensation coverage. Call Thomas Law Alliance, Inc., at 714-843-1110 or Contact us online to schedule a free consultation with our attorneys.